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Colorado Gives Day: Get in on Supporting Colorado Nonprofits!

Next Tuesday, December 9, is Colorado Gives Day, an initiative to increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. This year marks the fifth year that the Community First Foundation and First Bank have collaborated to present this event, and features the $1 million incentive fund that proportionally increases the value of every dollar donated. For example, if a nonprofit receives 10 percent of the total donations made on Colorado Gives Day, it will receive 10 percent of the $1 million incentive fund.

Donations can be made during the 24-hour period starting at 12 a.m. Tuesday, and can be made to a wide variety of Colorado organizations. It is possible to set up a donation in advance, as well.  Visit the Colorado Gives Day website for more information, to check out the different nonprofits, and to donate!

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