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Bingo! Secretary of State Releases Helpful Toolkit

The Colorado Secretary of State’s office has just released a best-practices Bingo Toolkit, a free resource that provides pointers and tips to help nonprofits run more successful games. It covers ways to motivate volunteers, market occasions, bring more excitement and variety to your gaming events, keep regular players happy, and attract new players. The Toolkit will help nonprofits just starting out with bingo fundraising to get off to a strong start, but also can serve as a valuable resource for nonprofits who have been participating for a while.

Charitable gaming brings in approximately $115 million for Colorado nonprofits each year. The Secretary of State’s office regulates charitable gaming in Colorado, and seeks to go beyond making sure games are run fairly and to be a partner in successful charitable gaming as a fundraising endeavor. The best practices were were taken from extensive research on what successful games managers in Colorado are doing to run profitable games.

To access the toolkit in PDF format, or to order free paper copies, visit the Secretary of State’s website.

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