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Upcoming Social Enterprise Options for Nonprofits

Some great opportunities are coming up for Colorado nonprofits that are interested in social enterprise:

The Colorado Nonprofit Social Enterprise Exchange is now accepting applications for its second cohort starting in January. The cohort is an eight-month, in-depth program for up to ten nonprofits to fully develop, plan for and launch their new social enterprises or earned income programs. Participants will meet for one full day each month with cohort meetings; receive consulting and technical assistance between meetings; and finish the program with completed business plans and the opportunity to pitch new social enterprises for financing. The application deadline is August 15, and decisions are expected in October. Interested nonprofits can get more information here, and apply here.

In addition, the Exchange is offering a full day social enterprise workshop on July 23rd. This may be of interest to nonprofits that are wondering whether social enterprise is right for them, and is offered in partnership with the Colorado Nonprofit Association. Participants will leave this session with great tools, templates and ideas to put to work right away at their nonprofit.

For more information on social enterprise, check out Leaffer Law’s recent posts on this topic, available here, and look for upcoming posts in the future.

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