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Other Publications from Schauble Law Group

One of Schauble Law Group’s core values is excellence, in our work, today and tomorrow. We strive to be highly regarded and well-respected for our deep expertise and thought-leadership in our field. Another value is giving back. Both of these values are demonstrated through the development of resources and tools to serve the nonprofit sector. In addition to some of the specific, more recent resources provided on our Resources page, here are some of our other publications. 

“Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act” Chapter A Guide for Colorado Nonprofit Organizations

“Public Charities, Private Foundations and Private Foundation Alternatives,” “Types of Tax-Exempt Organizations”, “Unrelated Business Income and the Doctrine of Commerciality” Chapters A Guide for Colorado Nonprofit Organizations

Big Changes Now. Bigger Changes Later? The New Legal Landscape for Charitable Organizations TRENDS

Treasury Department Revises Anti-Terrorist Financing Guidelines for Charitable Organizations

Nonprofits & Donors Begin Bracing for Sweeping Federal Reform Legislation Colorado Bar Association, Business Law Section Newsletter

Nonprofits and Sarbanes-Oxley: California Becomes the First State to Adopt Mini-Sarbanes Legislation for Nonprofits Colorado Bar Association, Business Law Section Newsletter

Tax-Exempt Financing for Code Section 501(c)(3) Organizations Colorado Lawyer Taxation Annual Survey of Colorado Law

Garvey v. State Farm: California’s New Approach to Concurrent Causation Idaho Law Review

For more information on these topics, please contact us.

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